Friday Five {4-28-17}

Hey everyone!
It has been WAY to long since I've done a Friday Five... Life has been so busy lately!
Erin Condren
I'm obsessed with Erin Condren planners. They are so cute and make organizing my daily activities more fun! I have both the Life Planner and wedding planner for my upcoming wedding this October. The new 2017 designs also come out next month!! For my teacher friends, they have lesson planners too! The website is constantly running specials for percentages off. If you're looking for a new planner, Erin Condren has you covered.
52 List Project
If you want to start a journal, but you're unsure where to start the 52 List Project has you covered. I bought this at Barnes & Noble the first week of January and I was so excited to jump right in. It gives you a weekly journal prompt where you make lists and then it challenges you to do one thing that week to better yourself! There is also a 52 Lists of Happiness book with the same set up. I look forward to my journal time on Sunday afternoons...
Dried Mango from Trader Joe's
Dried mango is one of my favorite healthy snacks lately. If you liked fruit roll-ups as a kid, these are definitely the grown up version! And the best part? The only ingredient listed are mangoes! If you're trying to cut back on processed foods and sugar and need something sweet, these are your go-to!! I'm so upset my closest TJ's is an hour away because I'm out!! 
Marble MacBook Case from Amazon
Just what my MacBook needed for a chic, fresh new look. I am the type of person who constantly changes my phone and laptop cases because I need to look at something new...  
Have you heard of this Lip magic?!? Smudge proof, kiss proof, waterproof lip color, and the list goes on... I am OBSESSED with LipSense after being introduced just 1 month ago. I decided to take the leap and join as an Independent Distributor. Click the LipSense link and you'll be directed to my Facebook group. I would be happy to answer any questions you have! My current favorite color is beige champagne, but I'm sure that will change tomorrow!! ;)
Here are some questions for you...
1. What are your favorite healthy snacks?
2. What kind of planner do you use?
3. If you're a LipSense lover like me, what is your favorite color?

Have a blessed weekend!!!


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