
Showing posts from October, 2016

Apple Pie Oatmeal Recipe

Serves: 1 The perfect fall breakfast, that tastes like a treat. Quick, delicious, and filling!! Ingredients 1 medium apple, cored and chopped 1/2 cup apple cider (can substitute apple juice) 1/2 tsp. vanilla extract 1/4 tsp. ground cinnamon 2 tsp. brown sugar Pinch of salt 1/2 cup old fashioned oats*  1 cup water 2 tbsp. chopped walnuts 1/4 cup unsweetened almond milk *Can substitute for quick oats, but cook time will be different Directions 1.   Add the apple cider to a medium saucepan. Bring to a boil and add the chopped apple, vanilla extract, cinnamon, brown sugar, and salt. Reduce to low and let simmer for 10 minutes or until the chopped apples have softened. 2. Add the oats and water. Cook for 5 minutes or until oats are completely cooked. 3. Add the almond milk and walnuts and serve. 4. ENJOY! Let me know what you think! XO, Jayna

Georgia On My Mind

{Savannah, Georgia Trip Recap} To celebrate 9 years together, Branden and I went on our first vacation alone together! In July, we traveled to Savannah, Georgia and then Charleston, South Carolina. This was my second trip to Savannah and I was so excited to show Branden around!  We left around 10 p.m. on a Sunday night.  DAY ONE After driving for 10 hours we finally made it to Savannah around 8 a.m. Since our room wasn't ready at the Thunderbird Inn , we decided to go have breakfast. We stopped at Narobia's Grits and Gravy. I ordered the seafood omelet, which had crab and shrimp, and Branden ordered a sausage omelette. Our omelets came with grits and biscuits. It was heavenly, especially after a long drive. I would definitely recommend stopping here for breakfast if you're in Savannah. Next stop... COFFEE at Foxy Loxy Cafe . Since it was like 3000 degrees, I went for the large cold brew. We drove back to our hotel and our room still wasn't ready, so we d

Welcome to New York... It's Been Waiting for You

{New York City Trip Recap} S o this may be 3 months late, but I hadn't originally planned on writing a post about our trip.  As most of you know, I recently graduated from college. As a graduation gift, my mom and step dad let me pick a place to travel to. NYC has been on my bucket list so I figured why not? After hours of planning and list-making the time came for us to head to NYC! DAY ONE Along comes June 8th and we're off to the airport at 3 a.m. We ended up arriving 45 minutes early and took a cab to our apartment in Chelsea. No one should have to wake up that early and endure their first NYC cab ride during rush hour.. Oh my.  We were cranky, tired, and hungry which isn't a good combination when traveling!  We settled into our apartment, a third floor walk up, and decided to head out and explore. We bought our 7 day MetroCard and took a train to lower Manhattan. We wanted to visit the Statue of Liberty first so we purchased a NYC CityPass , whic