Five on Friday {7-22-16}

Five on Friday will feature five things I'm diggin' each week!


"I Let You Go" - Clare Mackintosh
First of all, I could not put this book down! Last week, I was traveling and finished this book in a matter of two days. The plot twist is genuinely shocking and the book  has a heavy emotional connection. I don't want to give anything away, but I was speechless when I finished. If this isn't on your reading list you need to add it. Now.
**Who would be interested in a book club?? I was talking to a friend and we think it'd be fun to create one. Let me know what you think.
Read the description here:


Fresh peaches and blackberries from the Peach Stand in Fort Mill, SC. Oh. My. Gosh. One of the many things I love about summer is the availability of fresh fruits and veggies. On our way home from our trip last week, we made a stop at the Peach Stand and got some local peaches and blackberries. So. So. delicious!


In June I took a trip to NYC and as you can imagine, I took hundreds of pictures. I don't know why I just now discovered Shutterfly.. Hello FREE 4X6 prints!! I downloaded the mobile app and uploaded my NYC pictures straight from my phone. When they have the free 4X6 promotion all you have to pay is the tax and shipping. I now have 500+ pictures that I only paid $30 for! If you have pictures that need to be printed head over to Shutterfly.  


Savannah Bee Company.
I am extremely indecisive. I could've spent hours trying to pick out my favorite honey at Savannah Bee Company.  If you are ever in the Charleston or Savannah area, you should definitely stop by one of the Savannah Bee Company stores. I ended up buying the tupelo honey (which is amazing!!) and the honey for your tea (haven't tried it yet.) I drizzled some of the tupelo honey on my fresh fruit from the Peach Stand. 


The Bob Marley from Wet Willie'sStill day dreaming about this drink. Wet Willie's was the perfect place to grab a frozen drink in the Southern heat last week. If you're 21+ you can enjoy their frozen drinks too! I can't wait to create my own version. It had strawberry, mango, and sour apple mixed together. 

Until next time...


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