
Showing posts from July, 2016

Five on Friday {7-22-16}

Five on Friday will feature five things I'm diggin' each week! ONE. "I Let You Go" - Clare Mackintosh First of all, I could not put this book down! Last week, I was traveling and finished this book in a matter of two days. The plot twist is genuinely shocking and the book  has a heavy emotional connection. I don't want to give anything away, but I was speechless when I finished. If this isn't on your reading list you need to add it. Now. **Who would be interested in a book club?? I was talking to a friend and we think it'd be fun to create one. Let me know what you think. Read the description here: TWO. Fresh peaches and blackberries from the Peach Stand in Fort Mill, SC.  Oh. My. Gosh. One of the many things I love about summer is the availability of fresh fruits and veggies. On our way home from our trip last week, we made a stop at the Peach Stand and got some local peaches and blackberries. S