Embracing Change: 20 Things I'm Going to do This Year

"What's next?" -- A question that has been haunting me every day for the past month. 
I am so thankful that I have people who care about me and who are interested in my future, but this has been the hardest question I have been asked lately.  After applying to 10 programs, I didn't get into graduate school.  The whole process was physically, mentally, and emotionally exhausting and I am so not prepared to do it again in the fall.  Becoming a speech-language pathologist is my dream job and I will do everything I can to become one, even if that means I will have to apply again or even five more times.

I recently heard from my last school that their program was full and I was not accepted, so this is something that has been weighing heavily on my heart lately.  Out of the 10 schools I applied to, I did get on 5 waitlists, but unfortunately every single program was full before they reached me on the waitlist.  The acceptance rate for the SLP graduate program is around 20%, so it is extremely competitive to get in.  Since I've been so down about not getting in, my mom gave me an Alex and Ani butterfly charm bracelet at my graduation party over the weekend.  I loved the meaning behind it and decided to embrace it. 

A regenerative species, butterflies consistently transition from caterpillar to cocoon to butterfly. Giving us faith in change, the butterfly is associated with unwavering grace, soulful insight, and eloquence on our journey. Channel the energy of the butterfly and emerge brilliantly from your own transformation.

So, for everyone asking, here's your answer... I don't know what's next.  What I do know is that I am going to do everything I can to live my life to the fullest this next year.  I'm going to "channel the energy of the butterfly" and "emerge brilliantly from my own transformation." Sure, that sounds cliche, but I have been in school for 16 years straight now.  My focus has been so set on getting good grades and getting into a graduate program, that I haven't taken the time to just live. With that being said, I am going to welcome this "year" off!  I am going to take time to do the things I've been putting off. 

Here's 20 things I'm going to do to embrace the changes in my life:

1.  Start a blog - I've actually had this blog created for two years now, I just never knew where to start.

2.  Travel - I have a terrible case of wanderlust. I want to see everything!! If traveling paid the bills... ;)

3.  Learn how to sew - I have a pile of clothes that need fixed and 2 trash bags full of t-shirts from high school that I'd like made into a t-shirt quilt.

4.  Finish my scrapbooks - I am really good at buying things to start a project and working on them for 10 minutes then putting it away forever.

5.  Learn how to decorate a cake - As many of you know, I love to bake, but I am terrible at decorating cakes. 

6. Run a 5K - I hate running so we will see how this one goes... haha

7.  Go to Harry Potter World - Yes, I'm a huge Harry Potter fan! I've been wanting to go since it opened.

8.  Vote - I was eligible in 2012, but I never registered to vote :( Will definitely be voting this year!

9.  Pay off some of my student debt - Butler made a dent in my student debt, that's for sure...

10.  Strengthen my relationships - With friends and family! Because sometimes life happens and we forget to make time for each other.

11.  Read great books - I love to read and being in school has made it harder for me to read for fun unless I'm on a break. 

12.  Visit the Grand Canyon - Why not?!

13.  Try local restaurants - I'm a serious foodie and will take any recommendations.

14. Go on spontaneous road trips - I love an adventure, even if that means road tripping only an hour away! 

15.  Pursue a new business opportunity - What is there to lose? ;) 

16.  Go horseback riding - I've never been... 

17.  Unplug more - Sometimes we should take a break from social media and electronics and just enjoy life! I'm guilty of it and need to unplug more often.

18.  Go on a hike - Like I said... I love an adventure.

19.  Find a job or volunteer in my field - I definitely want to continue using what I've learned. If you know how to find SLPA jobs, I could use all the help I can get!

20.  Get my own place - Sorry mom, I have to leave the nest sometime.. hehe

Thanks for reading and until next time...
**UPDATED 1/6/17!


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